Am I doing the right thing?


Now by no means am I a blogger.  In fact I straight up suck at writing.  I thought though, why the hell not.  I have a small fan base of people that watch my content on YouTube.

What I really want to talk about is whether or not I’m moving in the right direction.  I know that one doesn’t start making decent money from YouTube right away but for fucks sake it’s going nowhere and it’s driving me up a wall.

I mean, I post content daily!  It’s not bad stuff either.  I don’t just throw videos out there for the sake of having another video. I genuinely put time into each one and make sure there aren’t any mistakes.  And yet, after sharing all over the fucking internet I still can only pull in a measly 7 views in a day.  Now there is the occasional video that get 100 but it’s VERY rare.  I’ve tried contacting semi bigger Youtubers but they don’t seem to have the time for my channel.  I get it.  I’m not really useful to you in any way.  So how then? How does one grow there YouTube channel and actually get noticed?  I ask people to help spread the word but they don’t.  Am I not that good at what I do?  Am I actually not that funny?  Am I doing the right things in life?  It’s all very depressing and I really just want to find some answers.

Don’t even get me started on SEO.  There’s so many conflicting articles and videos on the internet now I have no idea what to do. If someone out there does know a real SEO method and would be willing to share please email me @  I would be happy to learn.

Okay, I’m done ranting. If you would like you can check out my YouTube channel and give me an opinion.

Remember guys and girls, just be awesome.



3 thoughts on “Am I doing the right thing?

  1. SEO is the bane of regular folks and big businesses. So don’t let that get you down. We just did a major SEO project where I work and had to hire a consultant to make recommendations. If you cut through the crap, his recommendations boiled down to a couple things:
    1. duplication is bad and Google fines you for it (not monetarily but google rankings do equal money in some sense and duplication lowers your rating)
    Most of the technical stuff WP or YouTube takes care of for you so I’ll skip that piece.
    when you name something, your video, your post whatever–think of Google’s bot finding this piece of content. Think about how someone might find that content in a Google Search. Make sure those words (search terms) which most accurately describe your content are used in titles, etc. You can check out there’s a list of places to research popularity of search terms so you can see the reach of them to help you decide. i recommend googling them to see if your content is a match and what’s already turning up in that search term. Social media is a huge help in bumping you up in the ratings. Make sure you go onto google+ (if you don’t have an account for that get one asap. You don’t have to use it but in the profile, there is a spot to basically tell Google that you are the author of this site, your vids etc. It gives your links more weight. )
    Don’t add keywords that have nothing to do with your post/vid/whatever. Google will notice the mismatch and penalize you for it.

    Hope that helps. Sorry if this was a bit rambly and all over the place. Hope it gives you a place to start.


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